The AACSB Exchange Community Guidelines
Thank you for being a part of The AACSB Exchange is a community platform provided to AACSB members to create a vibrant online community where AACSB members can leverage the power of being part of the largest business education network by establishing valuable relationships and learning best practices.
We welcome discussion and dialogue, believing that the goal of this social networking community is the sharing of knowledge and information. Individuals are encouraged to share best practices, updates, and discuss issues and trends on the AACSB Exchange. To ensure the best possible experience for all AACSB members, we have established these guidelines, which cover basic etiquette and govern participation within the AACSB Exchange.
By joining and using the global feed, discussion forums, and other in-platform features, you agree that you have read and will follow the rules and guidelines set for all peer groups. You also agree to reserve list discussions for topics best suited to the medium. This is a great resource with which to solicit the advice of your peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in an ongoing conversation. Questions about the AACSB Exchange should be directed to our Member Services department.
Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with these important guidelines. In order to preserve a climate that encourages both civil and fruitful dialogue, the AACSB Exchange reserves the right to suspend or terminate membership on all lists for members who violate these guidelines.
Do not post any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.
Do not post any defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials. Any content or activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of another member is prohibited.
All content must add to the body of knowledge. AACSB reserves the right to reject any message for any reason.
Discussion Forum Etiquette
Treat all members of the community equally, irrespective of nationality, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age, or sexual orientation.
Do not send administrative messages, such as remove me from the list, through the Discussion Forum. Instead, use the Web interface to change your settings or to remove yourself from a list. If you are changing e-mail addresses, you do not need to remove yourself from the list and rejoin under your new e-mail address. Simply change your settings.
Advertising/Product Promotion
All advertising with the intent of commercial solicitation is prohibited. This includes discussions about the following with the intent to financially benefit: job opportunities, (AACSB’s Career Connections is available for management education job postings Home | AACSB Career Connection); books; workshops; conferences; Web-based services; email or online polls and/or focus groups; and products/services.
General discussions about professional resources are welcome within the AACSB Exchange Discussion Forums; however, AACSB International is not responsible for statements made by subscribers to any of the communities as to the legitimacy of any business or vendor.
AACSB does not pre-screen, verify, or edit the content posted by users in the AACSB Exchange. Please note that AACSB reserves the right to monitor any and all information transmitted or received through the AACSB Exchange. AACSB, at its sole discretion and without prior notice to you, may assess, censor, or prohibit the transmission or receipt of any information deemed inappropriate or violating the guidelines and terms of use. The enforcement of these rules rests solely at AACSB's discretion.
Need to report a violation? Please review our Online Community Violation Policy for more information.
If you have any questions about the AACSB Exchange or these guidelines, please contact Brittaney Mericle, Member Community Manager, at [email protected].